Start Staking in ICRYPEX and Earn More!
ICRYPEX members continue to win as always. Those who stake their assets are rewarded. Click here to earn a return on your invested cryptocurrencies such as USDT, AVAX, etc. for as long as you hold them in your account.
If your investments are on another platform, you can move your crypto assets to ICRYPEX immediately and get the chance to earn passive income.
Detailed information about the stake transactions in ICRYPEX is given below.
What is Stake? How is it done?
It is an earning system where users are rewarded for locking their crypto assets for a certain period of time.
Why is Stake Different?
ICRYPEX offers its staking users a choice of different cryptocurrencies, a wide range of options in maturity periods, high APR (return) and the chance to make high-security transactions on a local exchange. In addition, ICRYPEX users can reach the call center 24/7 and receive support via email.
Which Assets Can Be Staked?
Currently, staking is available on 7 crypto assets, including USDT, AVAX, AXS, APE, ATOM and XAUT.
What are durations?
Staking on ICRYPEX can be done in 4 different time frames: 7, 30, 60, 90, 90 and 120 days.
What are Stake Return Rates?
You can visit our earn page to get detailed information about APR return rates up to 22.5% and start earning instant returns on your crypto assets.
How Do I Start the Process?
Click here now, stake your assets, and when the time comes, access your earnings instantly from your wallet.