What is a Mask Network (MASK)? Which Advantages Does It Offer?

Mask Network aims to bridge the gap between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, enabling users to send encrypted messages, transfer cryptocurrency, share files, and interact with decentralized applications through social media platforms to increase their privacy. The native cryptocurrency of the Mask Network platform is MASK, also named after the project itself. In this article, we will look for answers to questions such as what is Mask Network (MASK), what does Mask Network (MASK) do, what are the advantages of Mask Network (MASK).

What is a Mask Network (MASK)? What Does It Do?

Learn what a Mask Network is.

In the social media environment, there is always the possibility that users may be subject to censorship. Because in the current pervasive order, users’ interactions in online environments can be controlled. This shows that users do not have full say over the content they publish. This is one of the limited features of Web 2.0. Mask Network is basically a project developed to ensure the free use of social media channels by providing secure and private access to the internet. It aims to provide access to the internet without the need for APIs and centralized servers. It aims to do this by providing a link between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

With Mask Network, users can send encrypted messages on social media platforms. In addition to this feature of Mask Network, users can transfer and trade cryptocurrencies, share files and interact with decentralized applications via social media . In fact, Mask Network wants to bring the use of the free internet to existing social media networks by wanting to bring more people into the Web 3.0 world. Mask Network gives users on traditional social media platforms the features to adapt to the decentralized social media world. Thus, users can step into Web 3.0 without leaving websites built according to Web 2.0 laws.

Mask Network allows users to create their own Web 3.0 profile. NFTs, POAPs, donation records, etc. on Mask Network. and many more digital activities can be gathered in one place. In addition, NFTs can be traded directly on social media platforms. It also supports Mask Network, OpenSea and other NFT marketplaces . Mask Network users can also store their files on a decentralized network. Moreover, Mask Network focuses on making its features available without logging out of social media networks.

The intended use of MASK, the local cryptocurrency of Mask Network, is to enable users to participate in governance processes and pay transaction fees.

What Advantages Does Mask Network (MASK) Offer?

Benefits offered by Mask Network

A number of advantages that Mask Network offers to give users a more free, secure and customizable online experience are as follows.

Payment Integration:

Mask Network users can pay directly on social media platforms. This means that they can easily receive or make payments for sharing content or other activities.

DeFi Integration:

Mask Network integrates DeFi (Decentralized Finance) protocols. This way, users can combine social media activity with financial transactions. Users can invest cryptocurrency, provide liquidity and perform other DeFi transactions on social media platforms.

NFT Integration:

With Mask Network, users can showcase, sell or buy NFTs on social media platforms. Users can easily share and exchange digital artworks and other unique assets.

Cryptocurrency Integration:

Users can integrate various cryptocurrency wallets with Mask Network. This makes it easy to send and receive cryptocurrency on social media platforms.

Changeable Identities:

Mask Network cares about users’ privacy. With Mask Network, users have the ability to customize and change their digital identity. This paves the way for the use of different identities and anonymity on different social media platforms.

Freedom of Expression:

Mask Network provides freedom of expression to users in areas of censorship and restrictions. Users can access and share censored content through the browser extension.

Decentralized Social Media:

Mask Network provides its users with a decentralized social media experience. This means that social media platforms do not control and censor user data. Users are free to control their own data and share their content.

IPFS Integration:

Mask Network refers to IPFS technology. This way, users’ content is not stored on central servers. On the contrary, this content is stored in a distributed network. This means more secure and resilient storage of content.

Multi-Platform Support:

Mask Network can be used on different social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. This means that the advantages offered by Mask Network reach a wider audience.

Open Source Ecosystem:

Mask Network is an open source ecosystem and open to developers. Other developers can take Mask Network’s features further and contribute to the development of the platform.

How Does Mask Network (MASK) Work?

Understand how the Mask Network works.

Mask Network uses a combination of different technologies such as encryption and decentralized storage to ensure the privacy and security of users. It works as a browser extension that can be installed on different browsers, including Chrome, Firefox and Brave. After installation of this browser extension, users can access Mask Network on different social media platforms by clicking on the Mask icon in their browser.

One of the most attractive features of Mask Network is the ability to encrypt messages and files. Users can send encrypted messages and files to other Mask Network users. What is critical here is that only the intended recipients have access to these messages and files. This feature of Mask Network is a useful solution for businesses and individuals who need to share sensitive information.

In addition, Mask Network users can create and join decentralized groups called “private groups”. These private groups can be used for various purposes, such as organizing events, discussing topics of interest or sharing information in a closed group. Only private group members can access shared content, making it a secure and private way to communicate online.

Who are the Founders of Mask Network (MASK)?

Find out who the founder of Mask Network is.
Suji Yan

Mask Network, led by Suji Yan, began development in 2019 and was released in 2021.

Suji Yan is the co-founder and CEO of Mask Network. Suji Yan graduated from the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign with a degree in Computer Engineering. After graduation, Suji Yan interned at two different places as a software engineer and started working as a freelance journalist at Q Daily. He then co-founded Takefive Interactive, a company that develops open source projects and mobile applications to bring innovation to students. Before founding Mask Network, he founded and was CEO of the Dimension project to defend both social freedom and the right and freedom of cryptography.

What Other Things to Know About Mask Network (MASK)?

To find out a little more about the Mask Network (MASK), it is useful to look at the answers to some of the following questions.

Is MASK a token? Or is it a coin?

Coin is a cryptocurrency created on its own blockchain. A token is a cryptocurrency that does not have its own blockchain and is created on an existing blockchain. MASK is a token because it does not have its own blockchain.

Which blockchain is the MASK token on?

The MASK token was created on the Ethereum blockchain in accordance with ERC-20 standards.

Is MASK token mining done?

MASK is not mined.

How to buy MASK token?

To buy MASK tokens, it is sufficient to create a membership on ICRYPEX. Once the membership process is complete, it is fast, easy and secure to trade other cryptocurrencies including MASK token.

How to Become a Member of ICRYPEX?

After visiting www.icrypex.com from a browser, you can click on the “SUBSCRIBE” button at the top right of the page, fill in the required information and you can easily create your membership.

From mobile devices, first of all; Andorid users can download our application by clicking here, Apple users can download it by clicking here, HUAWEI users can download it by clicking here. After logging in to the application, you can click on the menu icon at the top left, then click on “SUBSCRIBE” to fill in the required information and easily create your membership.

Create an account

Now create an account where you can use your knowledge.