Algorand (ALGO) is listed on the ICRYPEX Crypto Money Exchange!

ICRYPEX Crypto Money Exchange lists Algorand (ALGO) and brings together another project that can change the future of finance and cryptocurrencies with Turkish crypto money investors.

Algorand (ALGO) aims to meet the need for scalability, security and decentralization in the finance and cryptocurrency ecosystem with its blockchain protocol using a pure Proof of Stake algorithm.

Algorand (ALGO) aims to enable smart contracts and decentralized finance solutions to reach billions of users and enable millions of transactions to be processed on the network every day. Algorand blockchain; It has a special protocol created by well-known cryptographers, engineers and mathematicians led by Turing prize winner Silvio Micali.

On the Algorand network, where an average of 500,000 transactions take place per day, more than 500 technology companies are developing decentralized finance applications. Algorand, which is taking firm steps towards becoming a platform that develops day by day, also manages to attract the attention of users with its price mobility.

ALGO, the native cryptocurrency of the Algorand network listed on the ICRYPEX Crypto Money Exchange, has already attracted the attention of Turkish crypto money investors. ALGO, which is used to encourage network participation and power transactions on the Algorand platform, where future financial technologies can be developed, will be open for trading through ICRYPEX .

ALGO, which can be bought and sold on ICRYPEX using ALGO/TRY and ALGO/USDT trading pairs, has provided a return of over 100% to its investors in 2020.

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