Icrypex Research Manager Beste Naz Süllü BeInCrypto evaluated the crypto money markets in Turkey.

Icrypex Research Manager Beste Naz Süllü BeInCrypto evaluated the crypto money markets in Turkey.

Icrypex Research Manager Beste Naz Süllü answered the questions of BeInCrypto Turkey. In the interview, Beste Naz Süllü discussed Bitcoin, DeFi, crypto money markets, traditional financial markets and many other topics.

Süllü answered the question of what the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the market is, “If the second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak comes to the agenda, which the figures from the world indicate that there will be developments in that direction, we think that there may be a situation similar to the sharp declines in March.”

Süllü also emphasized the place where crypto coins have acquired or will be acquired in Turkey, “Turkish people have adopted crypto coins and we think that this sector will appeal to more people and its use will become more widespread, especially after various regulations are introduced.”

Click here for the continuation of Icrypex Research Manager Beste Naz Süllü’s interview with BeInCrypto Turkey.



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